October 5, 2007
To Whom It may Concern:
I’m not quite sure how he did it, but somehow
Prof. Steve managed to entertain about 300 kindergarten through fifth grade
students for three 45 minute presentations that were
I'd even go so far as to say that enthralled might be a better word than
entertained. Steve had their complete attention & made learning
science fun.
He understands what
kids like, how they think, & how they learn.
He amuses them, catches their interest, & teaches them lessons before
they even realize it.
The best part
is that students come away from the program not only with more scientific
knowledge, but also with the desire to continue to learn even more.
Several teachers mentioned that their students actually clapped when told
to get out their science books after Prof. Steve’s visit to our school.
I believe that we will be reaping the benefits of Steve’s visit for a
long time to come. I highly recommend Steve's programs to any school
looking for a way to boost student interest in & love of science.
Mary Clark
Title 1 Teacher
Washington-Monroe School
Lincoln, IL 62656
Ph. 217-732-4764
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Professor Steve's Amazing World of Science
1405 Brooke Dr.; Lebanon, Indiana 46052
(765)482-0875 waldotheclown@hotmail.com